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My Afformations

Why do things I need just show up?

Why do I have so much energy?

Why am I so successful?

Why is my business growing in leaps and bounds?

Why do I get to spend so much time with my family?

Why do I have an abundance of money?

Why can I afford to do what I want?

Why can I go to Rome?

Why can Pierre and I travel?

Why is it we can build our dream home now?

Why is it Pierre can go fishing whenever he wants?

Why do my teeth look so nice and white?

Why do I feel so awesome?

Why am I fundamentally Unstoppable?

Why Do I Have So Much Success in Business?

Why Am I Living My Dream? 

Why does Opportunity Come To Me So Easily?

Why Do I Follow Through On My Plans?

Why am I a person of so much action?

Why do I have the best business in the world?

Why do I accomplish so much?

Why do I give so much value?

Why do I have so much success?

Why am I a person of action?

Why do people love me so much?

Why do I follow through on my plans?

Why do things work out in my favour all the time?

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