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  • Writer's pictureChristine Hendriks

Expand on your dreams and goals!

Updated: Apr 14, 2019

Today, I want to share the S.M.A.R.T. method which you should add to any goals you have set. This is something I found awhile ago while I was researching layouts for my bullet journal and again looking for a layout to use for my goals. I saw it recently and remembered that I was pleasantly surprised with what I found in regards to the S.M.A.R.T. method and applying it to goals. "Artsy Inspired" is the blog I found this. I've also included the link this way you can click on their blog name to easily get there. It's also a great blog for learning more about bullet journals. (I absolutely fell in love with doing my own bullet journal. This is another thing that requires a process as well. IF you are thinking about starting your own there is a link on that there. I have not blogged on that topic as of yet. I have only included pages that are relevant to what I am writing about.) I contacted the writer to the blog and received permission to link it here. The author of this blog, Felecia was really nice!

Felecia writes; you need to make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. which stands for and means your goals must be Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant and Time-Bound. I highly recommend checking out her blog because really this is what is involved with the next step after making your goals. If you work on the S.M.A.R.T method with your goals you will reach unimaginable results!

I also want to mention that in the last blog I wrote about working on my own goals. I want to report, I did work more on them this week however, I am not ready to share here. Besides if you're reading this, you're looking for help and it doesn't matter what my goals and dreams are. Part of the reason I'm not ready to share is because life happens, things get in the way. Remember to be flexible and not beat yourself up when life happen to you. Although, getting what you want down on paper is extremely important, it is still something I struggle with. I also find it really important to make sure I'm doing activities that help take me towards my goals and dreams rather than away from them. I'm much better at that. This week through being aware of my activities and choices; whether they are on paper or not, I realized sometimes my choices are to just enjoy life. I believe this is also something we all probably need to do from time to time. We also need to be guilt free when we do this. The 30 day challenge really helped me achieve a lot of clarity with the direction I want to go in my life and my business. (I've included a link to that if you want to check it out further.)

I'm including the link to my FBlive video in which I talk about the webinar course I did called, "Get Unstuck Now" and a new one that I'm starting Monday called "I am possible". If you decide to watch be sure to give me some love! I'd really appreciate it if you do!


Action Step:

Go back over your goals and make sure you use the S.M.A.R.T method to move yourself into action!!!


My results:

Not so great... so I'm sure you will do better! Also, I'm still trying to get more of a direction on a few things. For example, the California trip I made a list of places to visit while there. I still need to discus more details with my husband. We like to bat ideas around to figure out what we are going to do. Since we have different ideas... it can take a while.... It took 10 years to finally remodel our kitchen!!! We always disagreed on things and finally had to take the plunge and compromise along the way.

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