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  • Writer's pictureChristine Hendriks

What do I REALLY want?

Updated: Mar 24, 2019

I am looking to make changes in my life. I thought why not take people with me on this journey. I did a live journal in the past. This is something more than a live journal. It's not just about me and my journey; it's how you can take a journey with me and make changes in your life if you so choose.

If you're ready to take steps and change your life and go in a different direction then lets get started! I'm going to have an action step incorporated into each blog post for those that wish to take their own journey with me. As you can see, there is a division line below. Under the line you will find an action step, another division line and my action step results with some of my thoughts on this process. I really hope this is going to be helpful.


Action Step:

You really need to define what you want in life and why. Go find your pen and paper and get very vivid about the life you want. Put the ink on the page. This is the best place to start. If you don't know what you want then nothing will change. Obviously, you're here for change. So... what would you like to change? No matter if you think it can happen or not, big or small. Write it down!!! We will have an exercise in the next blog to help you believe in yourself and that you can have the life of your dreams!!!


My Action step results:

*Note this is what I want. What you want will look very different from mine.*

I want to increase my income from my home based business. Let's face it, we need to pay for things in life and I am doing a career change. I did a video explaining why I'm making a change with my career (if you want to watch that video you can message me for it as I have to figure out how download it and link it here as it is in a private group on facebook right now).

I want to build a two family home. This way my son and his family can live next door, we can be of help when needed and see the grandchildren as much as we want. I want to have a duplex that doesn't look like a duplex. I've been looking at floor plans but haven't found one I love yet. That also means I am still working on the details of this. Ultimately, I think it will be two houses mirrored. When I find what I'm looking for I'll be sure to post a link here!

I really want to go to Rome. It's been a dream of mine for years. Unfortunately, my husband can't fly due to a pituitary tumor he had removed a few years ago. I'm not exactly sure about going without him. It might be ok to go with one of my Aunts though. I have a vivid idea of where I want to go while I'm there. It includes the Vatican and other places of interest. While there I also want to go to Lourdes, France. (As I am writing this I realize I need to make a more specific list of where I want to go and write it down.)

I want to take my family on vacation to Disney in Florida and spend a week at Disney and enjoy another week just kicking back at the beach or whatever. I don't want to have an itinerary of things to do.

I want to be a person of action. I am working hard to improve this. I have been working on this daily. I am writing my weekly goals down. I am realizing I need to write down a daily schedule for my time to accomplish certain tasks. This is also going to be covered as an exercise at some point in this blog. Obviously, this is my first blog post and it is going to be a work in progress. I do want it to have a lay out in a manner that readers will be able to find areas of interests quickly and easily.

Lastly, I am getting a new car. Last year I drove a Toyota Camry, I fell in love with it and said I love this car and I think the next one I get will be one of these. It so happened, my son bought one and I have borrowed it a few times. Yes, I do still want one. I'm going to look at some new one's tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I'll be driving that new car home soon! I'm very excited about that! This is the power of having a vivid image of what you want!


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